うんこ入学準備ドリル こくご (うんこドリルシリーズ) / Unko Drill Series

    photo of a book from the unko drill series on a table

    You've probably heard of the famous unko (poop) series of educational books aimed at kids in Japan. They have a whole line of books called the うんこドリルシリーズ (poop drill series) that cover kanji, math, and English for elementary school grades one to six. The book in this review is actually a first-grade prep book aimed at children ages five and six and is part of the 幼児向けうんこドリル (toddler-aimed poop drill) series. Books in this series cover ages two to six and, similar to their elementary school counterpart, contain texts for language, math, general knowledge, and crafts. The golden poop theme is explained by the author as offering a fun and humorous element to the learning material. In other words, kids respond well to poop.

    This book contains 30 lessons with topics ranging from speaking and writing practice, to drilling hiragana and katakana characters. There are also many sections dedicated to vocabulary, reading, and creative writing. You can also find an introduction to kanji in lesson 28. On almost every page, there is something for the reader to write. Throughout each lesson, you will find poop-themed content in colorful spreads. This particular book also comes with fun stickers to place on certain pages as an additional activity.

    And while these kinds of books are certainly made for children, there's no one to stop you from buying and using them yourself. In fact, the simple reading passages and easy writing practice make for excellent supplements for any beginner or lower-intermediate learner of Japanese. The stickers are fun too!

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