Searching for interesting content in Japanese can sometimes be a real drag. You may not be able to look for the correct keywords or, when you find an article, you'll undoubtedly come across kanji you don't recognize. Manabi Reader, along with its companion app Manabi Flashcards, aims to solve this problem by aggregating a variety of different native-level Japanese articles and content in one place, allowing you to create flashcards based on articles you read.
A solid app that we recommend for reading sentences that aren't drab and contextless—especially if you're more motivated when reading about something you're personally interested in.
Manabi Reader opens to a list of content genres such as "News" and "Gaming" and even "Reddit." From here, the reader can choose whatever genre they feel like reading and go through the related websites. Pick a website, and you're presented with a variety of article headlines in Japanese with an accompanying picture. Tap whatever catches your fancy and BOOP, you're reading about rhino butts or old man hairlines or whatever you're into.
Manabi Reader also includes auto-generated furigana and a color-coded JLPT vocabulary system for those studying for the test. When you get stuck on a word you don't know, tap directly on it, and it'll give you a pronunciation, short definition, and the option to add it to a flashcard deck in Manabi Flashcards.
But what if you find a great website outside of the app? Just copy the URL and open it in Manabi Reader. You'll get the same set of options as their curated content, and you can further create flashcard decks based on your own personal interests.
Overall, a solid app that we recommend for reading sentences that aren't drab and contextless—especially if you're more motivated when reading about something you're personally interested in.