Jisho MonoOboe

    jisho monooboe

    This little Chrome extension adds some functionality to popular online dictionary Jisho.org that can help you keep track of the words you search the most. Basically, it lets you toggle a list under the search bar on the main page that will show the last ten searched items in order. This is helpful if you're the type of person who has trouble keeping track of your tabs or generally forgets things easily.

    list of japanese words from chrome extension

    Even better, if you click on the MonoOboe link from Jisho, you can see your search history, including the number of times you searched for each item. This lets you keep track of words you come across often and aren't remembering — the perfect list to add to your SRS study method of choice.

    If you aren't already keeping track of your trouble words, this extension can be the first step you take to getting a healthy study habit started!

    Browser Extension