For the grammar nerds out there, this one is for you! 日本語文型バンク (or "Japanese Grammar Point Bank") is a collection of grammar explanations and example sentences, created by the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics (NINJAL). They create a lot of amazing tools for analyzing and learning about the Japanese language, and this one is quite a gem 💎
The tool's content is organized into categories based on communicative function: 比較 (comparison), 並列 (listing), 依頼 (requesting), and 可能性 (potentiality), to name a few. Click on a category, and you'll see subcategories listed, along with related grammar points. For example, if you click on 可能性 (potentiality), you'll see the related grammar points sorted into 可能 (ability), 容易 (simplicity), and 困難 (difficulty).

Once you click on a grammar point, an explanation window is displayed. You'll see an explanation of the grammar's meaning, as well as a list of example sentences, with audio. Other cool features of this tool include the ability to compare two related grammar points, toggle furigana on/off, and download grammar explanations as pdfs.

As of now, the tool only includes grammar points associated with JLPT N5 and N4. More advanced grammar points will hopefully be added in the future! Are you listening, NINJAL? 😉 Still, we highly recommend playing around with 日本語文型バンク to see how it can help you along on your learning journey.