Still flipping flashcards with words and one-to-one translations on the back? You should consider building your vocabulary using collocations!
基本語力アップ! 初級から学ぶ 日本語コロケーション (Bump Up Your Basics! Japanese Collocations Associative Learning for Beginners On) teaches you not only basic words, but also words that are frequently paired with them. This is important for Japanese learning — and foreign language learning in general — because simply memorizing words and their translations doesn't necessarily mean you know how to put them together in a practical sense. For example, when the book teaches you the noun シャツ (shirt), it also introduces sets of particles and verbs that often pair with it. One of these sets is 〜を着る, and learning this helps you know how to say "wear a shirt" in Japanese. This is particularly useful because there are different verbs that mean "wear" in Japanese, depending on what type of clothes are being worn. While it's 〜を着る for shirts, it's 〜をはく for for 靴 (shoes). This is the power of learning collocations!
In addition to these collocations, the book provides simple example sentences and quizzes to review what you learned. Build your vocabulary with collocations for more effective learning!