All About Particles

    all about particles

    All sixty-nine particles are ordered by frequency, many of the context sentences provide two English translations for clarity, and there are helpful notes offering further explanation throughout the book.

    Particles are tough because we don't have them in English; they're difficult to define and seem to only supply context to sentences, not actual meaning. All About Particles attempts to show all of the different usages of all particles in Japanese with short explanations and supporting context sentences.

    All sixty-nine particles are ordered by frequency, many of the context sentences provide two English translations for clarity, and there are helpful notes offering further explanation throughout the book. There is also romaji under each Japanese sentence if you aren't familiar with the kanji.

    Because it uses example sentences to show context, it's more useful once you've made your way through at least one beginner Japanese textbook. However, it's also helpful as a reference to provide more context as you learn these particles in your textbook or class of choice. And the sentences don't go too far beyond the beginner level, so students should be able to understand the meanings and the context for each particle.

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